dimanche 26 juin 2011

Worth Living.

Colin Blunstone, One Year, Epic Records, 1971.

An idea for a short story about, um, people in Manhattan 
who are constantly creating 
these real, unnecessary, 
neurotic problems for themselves
because it keeps them from dealing with
more unsolvable, terrifying problems 
about... the universe. 
Well, it has to be optimistic. 
Well, all right, why is life worth living? 
That's a very good question. 
Well, there are certain things, I guess, 
that make it worthwhile. 
Like what? Ok… for me... 
Ooh, I would say Groucho Marx, to name one thing. 
And Willie Mays. 
And... the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony. 
And... Louis Armstrong's recording of Potato Head Blues. 
Swedish movies, naturally. 
Sentimental Education by Flaubert. 
Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra. 
Those incredible apples and pears by Cézanne. 
The crabs at Sam Wo's. 
Tracy's face.

Woody Allen, Manhattan, 1979.

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